Saturday, August 16, 2008

Iconic Women

I have been doing some research on Eleanor Roosevelt lately for a unit study that I am working on. What an amazing woman! A woman who may have been born with a silverspoon, but endured countless family tragedies before even her adulthood. She married her distant cousin Franklin Delano Roosevelt and became first lady. Her laurels though do not lay as the wife of a husband but in her own right especially in her work on human rights. Most interestingly, she began her life being very unsure of herself and in fact feeling like she was an ugly duckling. She was very self conscience of her voice and feared public speaking. She completed her life as a well respected female power house. She was a prolific writer and one of the most requested public speakers of the time. She earned herself the title “First Lady of the World”.

There have been many great women in history and I am wondering who you all admire. Who do you think has reached icon status in our society? What in their life made them deserving of this status? Let us know.

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