Tuesday, June 16, 2009

ADCD - Attention Deficit Crafting Disorder - Desgining your own curtain

Having a little more free time – no friends yet established at the new homestead and therefore no committees to chair or fundraisers to organize and no job – means that my brain cells are firing on overload. Of course, the no job part also means there is not much money. (Please let me clarify the “no job”, technically I have one but it only runs in the fall / winter part-time. Due to budget cuts, they couldn’t keep me in the summer – there for cutting my budget : ( ) Anyway, I decided we needed curtains in the bathrooms upstairs so that we were not mooning anyone that might fancy by and more specifically the young children next door. I initially had a sheet thumb tacked in. The sheet had operated with a more modern twist as bedroom curtains at the old house, but that doesn’t seem to fit her. One day there was a flash and I scribbled a quick plan on a post it note. I pulled out the sewing machine, button box, DMC floss, scissors, and pins. Zip, Zip, Zip – a curtain was born, but the plan called for more than that – not just a curtain to cover the window, but a primitive crafty curtain. Thus, I spend the next 10 days hand stitching in a floral design at the base. And finally, the curtain is now hung. Mind you, I don’t have a curtain rod yet, so it is strung with fishing line and thumbtacks, but here is the final product . . .

Now, I have a hankering for a jean rag rug. I haven’t come up with a base frame other than buying one so I am on hold right now, but expect to see it soon. You can’t hold back the creative juices too long.

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