Monday, March 1, 2010

Dan Brown

Somehow in the few minutes I have now a day, I found a way to finish my book club book Digital Fortress by Dan Brown. I have read DaVinci Code and Angels and Demons which are also by him, and therefore was not upset when his name was chosen as our author. While his writing does not improve my life in any substantial way, his writing does bring me joy and a bit of an escape. I must confess that I am usually more interested in his back stories than I am in the main one. This was especially true in the DaVinci Code. I think that I spent as much time in the encyclopedia as I did the novel. I needed to know where the fiction / non-fiction line lay.

Digital Fortress is different than his more current books as it relates to the digital world. Digital Fortress is actually an unbreakable code that is supposed to allow users to encrypt their email so that the NSA (National Security Agency) cannot read it. The ownership of such a powerful program leads to murder, sabotage, suicide. As with Brown’s other novels, when you think you know everything, be assured that you don’t. And you should be prepared to solve the mystery along with our heroes David Becker and Susan Fletcher.

As with Brown’s other novels, I don’t think that the word classic is likely to ever be associated with this book, but on the other hand, you will enjoy the read. I for one will be sure to put his other books, Deception Point and The Lost Symbol, on my reading list.

1 comment:

Andysbethy said...

I have several of his books on my "to read" list, but other's keep bumping them down the list. Eventually I will get to them I am sure - thanks for the good word about them.