Saturday, May 12, 2012

A Book By Mother Teresa - an inspiring read

I came by this book while riffling through the books on the shelf at the library.  Of course since working on my masters doesn't provide me enough to do (clearly this is said sarcastically), I needed more to read and so I picked up yet one more for my spare time.

This was a wonderful and worthwhile read that will remind you about the wonder in the world.  We may think of Mother Teresa as a saint, but the biography at the back of the book reminds us that she was just a girl who wanted to make a difference.  She was a woman that listened to the yearning in her heart placed by God and had the conviction to follow no matter where it led.

This book does not have to be read from front to back and can get set down and picked up as you are inspired. or have time to devote to it.  I hope that you might pick it up yourself and see how her story might fertilize the yearnings of your heart.

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