Thursday, November 17, 2011

God, Our Inspirer

I have to say that this first semester a seminary is tough.  The school is tough, but what really is making it difficult is the balance - work, family, school is not an ideal equation.  The other day when my poor son was complaining that he had hurt his finger, I actually contemplated how I was going to fit taking him to the doctor in my schedule (Good thing I made it a priority since it turned out to be a fracture).

One evening I had a bit of a breakdown when my loving husband commented that he had my back.  I would say in general, he does, but as I was cooking dinner and the rest of the family was watching tv, I didn't feel like people had my back.  I had a major paper due and needed to get some work done and yet, after a full day of work, I was still doing family work, before I could get to what I needed to.  When my husband said, "Don't worry.  I have your back."  I responded rabidly, "NO, no you don't.  If I'm here cooking, no one has my back."  I think he knew he had kind of stepped in it.  However, I will tell you that no one did come in to take over the domestic responsibilities.

It was at this point that God and I had a bit of a conversation.  I wondered if this was just all a big mistake:  I love begin in school and am fascinated by all that I am learning.  I feel at home at the pulpit,  but maybe this wasn't the right time.  I thought, "I want this, but maybe God doesn't."  Immediately, I felt, "I am you, and you are me.  You feel you should do this because I want you to do this."  I need to worry no more. . .But I don't think that it is going to make the work any easier, but it does bring a lot of peace.

So I ask you what God is inspiring you to do?