Monday, August 17, 2009

Recipe - Lime Chicken

juice & zest of 3 limes
3 Tbsp vegtable oil
dash of pepper
4 boneless skinless chicken breasts fillet in half
1 jar Crate & Barrel Frontera Cucumber Lime Salsa - chilled

Mix marianade (lime, oil, and pepper) and chill with chicken for several hours.
Grill chicken until done. Serve with chilled Cucumber Lime Salsa on top.

The Cucumber Lime Salsa had been a gift with a beautiful chip & dip bowl from my brother and his girlfriend. The evening I made this chicken, I had not made it to the market to pick up the fruits needed for the topping chutney so I scoured the pantry to decide what else to use. I thought the cucumber salsa might have just the right mix between cool and saucy and I was right. It was super yummy and a healthy option too.


dawn klinge said...

That looks like a delicious recipe.

Dawn said...

It was very yummy! Especially for a hot summer day.

MrsMomma said...

Yum! sounds delicious!